Double-Hand Poker


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 23-06-2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Pai Gow Poker ist eine US-amerikanische Kartenspiel Derivat des Jahrhunderte alten Casino-Spiel der chinesischen Dominoes. Im frühen neunzehnten Jahrhundert eingeführt chinesischen Arbeitern das Casino-Spiel während der Arbeit in Kalifornien.

Das Spiel mit dem Ruf chinesischer Spieler schließlich zog der Schwerpunkt der unternehmerischen Spieler, die den herkömmlichen Fliesen mit Karten ersetzt und modelliert das Casino-Spiel in eine neue Art von Poker. Eingeführt in die Pokerräume of California in '86, zog das Spiel der unmittelbaren Anerkennung und Reputation bei Asian Poker-Spieler das Interesse von Nevada ist Glücksspiel Niederlassung Besitzer, die schnell absorbiert das Casino-Spiel in ihre eigenen Poker-Suiten. Der Ruf der Casino-Spiel hat sich in das einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert fort.

Pai Gow Tische für bis zu 6 Spielern und einem Händler. Die Unterscheidung von Standard-Poker spielen alle Spieler gegen den Croupier und nicht gegen jeden anderen.

In einer Drehung gegen den Uhrzeigersinn, ist fast jeder Spieler sieben verdeckten Karten vom Croupier behandelt. Neunundvierzig Karten ausgeteilt werden, einschließlich des Händlers 7 Karten.

Jeder Spieler und der Croupier muss 2 Pokerhände bilden: eine große Palme aus fünf Karten und eine niedrige Hand von zwei Karten. Die Hände sind auf klassische Poker Rankings und als Basis wie eine Handfläche zwei Karten zwei Asse wird die größte machbar Händen von zwei Karten. A 5 Asse Hände wäre die höchste 5-Karten-Hand sein. Wie bekommt man fünf Assen in einem Standardsatz aus 52 Karten? Du bist in der Tat Wetten mit einem dreiundfünfzig Kartenspiel seit einem Joker in das Casino-Spiel erlaubt ist. Der Joker ist eine Karte angesehen und verwendet werden könnte, als ein zusätzliches Ass oder bis zum Ende eines Straight oder Flush.

Die höchsten beiden Hände gewinnen jedes einzelne Spiel und nur einen einzigen Spieler, die 2 größten Hände gleichzeitig gewinnen können.

Ein Würfel aus einem Becher mit drei Würfeln werfen bestimmt, wer den ersten Hände gegeben werden. Nachdem die Hände gegeben werden, müssen die Spieler bilden die beiden Poker Hände, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Fünf-Karten-Hand muss oft höheren Rang als die 2-Karten Hände.

Wenn alle Spieler haben ihre Hände gesetzt, wird der Croupier generieren Vergleiche mit seinen Händen Rang für Pay-outs. Wenn ein Spieler hat man die Hände in den Rang als die des Dealers, außer einer niedrigeren 2nd hand erhöht, ist dies eine Krawatte zu betrachten.

Wenn der Croupier jedem Beats Händen, verliert der Spieler. In dem Umstand, beide Spieler die Hände und beide Hände als Croupier die gleiche, gewinnt der Croupier. Im Haus Wetten Wette auf, ofttimes Zulagen für einen Spieler gemacht werden, um den Croupier zu werden. In diesem Fall haben die Spieler das Geld für Auszahlungen aufgrund nachfolgenden Spieler haben. Natürlich ist der Spieler als Händler kann mehrere große Töpfe Ecke, wenn er die meisten Spieler schlagen kann.

Mehrere Wetten Häuser Regel, dass Spieler nicht umgehen kann oder zurück zur Bank zwei Hände zurück, und einige Poker-Suiten wird der Zusammenarbeit Bank bieten fünfzig / fünfzig mit jedem Spieler, der an die Bank zu entscheiden. In allen Fällen wird der Dealer Spieler wiederum fragen, ob sie an den Bankier sein wollen.

In Double-Hand-Poker, bist du "static"-Karten, die du hast keine Chance, Karten zu tauschen, um vielleicht besser Ihre Hand ist gegeben. Jedoch, wie im klassischen Five-Card Draw, finden Sie Strategien, um das Ideal, was Sie behandelt worden zu generieren. Ein Beispiel ist die Aufrechterhaltung der Hitzewallungen oder Geraden in der 5-Karten-Hand und die beiden restlichen Karten als 2. gute Hand.

Wenn Sie Glück genug, um 4 Asse plus einen Joker zu ziehen sind, sind Sie in der Lage, 3 Asse in der 5-Karten-Hand zu behalten und stärken Sie Ihre 2-Karten Hand mit den anderen Ass und Joker. Zwei Paar? Behalten Sie den größeren Paar in der 5-Karten-Palme und die anderen 2 passenden Karten generieren die zweite Hand.

Double-Hand Poker


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 23-06-2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Pai Gow Poker è un derivato statunitense giochi di carte del gioco del casinò secolare di domino cinese. Nel XIX secolo, i lavoratori cinesi hanno introdotto il gioco del casino mentre lavorava in California.

La reputazione della partita con i giocatori d'azzardo cinese alla fine ha attirato l'attenzione dei giocatori d'azzardo imprenditoriale che ha sostituito le tegole convenzionali con carte e modellato il gioco del casino in un nuovo tipo di poker. Introdotto nelle sale da poker della California nel '86, acclamato immediato il gioco e la reputazione con i giocatori di poker asiatico ha attirato l'interesse dei proprietari di gioco d'azzardo del Nevada stabilimento che assorbe rapidamente il gioco del casino nella loro suite poker proprio. La fama del gioco casinò ha continuato nel secolo ventunesimo.

tavoli Pai Gow ospitare fino a 6 giocatori e un concessionario. Distinguere da poker standard, tutti i giocatori giocare contro il croupier e non contro tutti gli altri.

In una rotazione in senso antiorario, quasi ogni giocatore riceve sette carte coperte dal croupier. Quarantanove carte vengono distribuite, tra cui il dealer 7 carte.

Ogni giocatore e il croupier deve formare due mani di poker: una grande palma di cinque carte e una mano bassa di due carte. Le mani sono basati su graduatorie Poker Classic e, come tale, a due palme carta di due assi Sarà il più grande possibile mani di due carte. A 5 Assi sarebbe più alta mano a 5 carte. Come si ottiene cinque assi in un normale mazzo di 52 carte? Sei in fatto di scommesse con un mazzo di carte di cinquantatré anni dopo un Joker è consentito nel gioco del casinò. Il Joker è considerato un jolly e potrebbe essere usato come un asso supplementare o per terminare una scala o colore.

I più alti due mani vincere ogni gioco del casino, e solo un giocatore unico avente le due mani contemporaneamente più grande può vincere.

Un lancio dei dadi da una coppa contenente tre dadi determina chi sarà data la mani molto prima. Dopo che le mani sono date, i giocatori devono formare le due mani di poker, tenendo presente che le mani di cinque carte deve spesso rango superiore alla mano di 2 carte.

Quando tutti i giocatori hanno impostato le loro mani, il croupier genererà confronti con le sue mani rango per la pay-out. Se un giocatore ha una mano di rango maggiore di quella del dealer, tranne una mano più bassa secondo, questo è considerato un pareggio.

Se il croupier batte ogni mano, il giocatore perde. Nella circostanza delle mani di entrambi i giocatori e le mani entrambi croupier è la stessa, il croupier vince. In scommesse scommessa casa, le indennità molte volte sono fatte per un giocatore di diventare il croupier. In questo caso, il giocatore deve avere i soldi per qualsiasi causa vincite successive giocatori. Naturalmente, il giocatore in qualità di concessionario può angolo molte pentole enormi, se può battere la maggior parte dei giocatori.

Diverse case di scommesse regola che i giocatori non possono affrontare due o banca schiena contro schiena le mani, e alcune suite poker provvederà a cinquanta co-banca / cinquanta con qualsiasi lettore che decide di prendere la banca. In tutti i casi, il dealer chiederà giocatori a sua volta se vogliono essere il banchiere.

In doppia mano di Poker, si è dato "statico" carte che significa che hai nessuna possibilità di cambiare le carte, forse per migliorare la vostra mano. Tuttavia, come nel classico disegnare cinque carte, troverete le strategie per generare l'ideale di ciò che sono stati trattati. Un esempio è il mantenimento della vampate o rettilinei nella mano di 5 carte e le due rimanenti carte come la seconda mano buona.

Se siete fortunati abbastanza per disegnare 4 assi più un jolly, si è in grado di mantenere 3 assi in mano a 5 carte e rafforzare la vostra mano di 2 carte con l'asso altri e Joker. Due coppie? Conservare la coppia più grandi nel palmo di 5 carte e le altre 2 carte di corrispondenza genererà la seconda mano.

Double-Hand Poker


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 23-06-2010

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Pai Gow Poker est un dérivé de l'Amérique du jeu de cartes du jeu de casino séculaire de dominos chinois. Dans le début du XIXe siècle, les ouvriers chinois a introduit le jeu de casino tout en travaillant en Californie.

La réputation du jeu avec des joueurs chinois finalement attiré l'attention des joueurs d'entreprise qui ont remplacé les tuiles classiques avec des cartes et modélisé le jeu de casino dans un nouveau type de poker. Introduit dans les salles de poker de Californie en 86, un succès immédiat du jeu et à sa réputation avec des joueurs de poker d'Asie a attiré l'intérêt des propriétaires du Nevada établissement de jeu qui est rapidement absorbé le jeu de casino dans leur propre suites de poker. La réputation du jeu de casino a continué dans le XXIe siècle.

tables Pai Gow accueillir jusqu'à 6 joueurs et un concessionnaire. Distinction entre poker standard, tous les joueurs jouent contre le croupier et non contre tous les autres.

Dans une rotation vers la gauche, à peu près chaque joueur reçoit sept cartes face vers le bas par le croupier. Quarante-neuf cartes sont distribuées, dont 7 cartes du croupier.

Chaque joueur et le croupier doit faire 2 mains au poker: un palmier grande de cinq cartes et une main basse des deux cartes. Les mains sont fondés sur le classement de poker classique et en tant que telle, un palmier de deux cartes de deux as sera le plus grand possible les mains de deux cartes. A 5 aces mains serait le plus élevé main de 5 cartes. Comment pouvez-vous obtenir cinq aces dans un standard de 52 cartes? Vous êtes en fait le pari avec un jeu de cartes cinquante-trois depuis un joker est autorisé dans le jeu de casino. Le joker est considéré comme un joker et pourrait être utilisé comme un as supplémentaires ou pour finir une quinte ou une couleur.

Le plus haut les deux mains gagner à chaque jeu de casino unique et seulement un seul joueur ayant les 2 mains simultanément plus peut gagner.

Un dé lancer dans une tasse contenant trois dés détermine qui sera donné entre les mains toute première fois. Après les mains sont donnés, les joueurs doivent former les deux mains de poker, en gardant à l'esprit que les mains de cinq cartes doivent souvent rang plus élevé que les mains de 2 cartes.

Quand tous les joueurs ont mis leurs mains, le croupier va générer des comparaisons avec ses mains rang pour pay-outs. Si un joueur a une main a augmenté de rang que celle du croupier, sauf une main inférieure 2e, il est considéré une cravate.

Si le croupier bat chaque main, le joueur perd. Dans les circonstances des deux mains du joueur et les deux mains du croupier sont les mêmes, le croupier gagne. Dans paris pari maison sur, les allocations ofttimes sont faites pour un joueur de devenir le croupier. Dans ce cas, le joueur devra avoir l'argent pour quelque raison paiements réussir joueurs. Bien entendu, le joueur agit à titre de courtier peut angle de plusieurs grandes marmites s'il peut battre la plupart des joueurs.

Plusieurs salles de paris sur la règle que les joueurs ne peuvent pas faire face ou de la banque deux dos à dos les mains, et certaines suites de poker fournira à cinquante co-bancaires / cinquante avec n'importe quel joueur qui décide de prendre de la banque. Dans tous les cas, le concessionnaire vous demandera joueurs à leur tour s'ils veulent être le banquier.

En double-main de poker, vous êtes donnée "statique" cartes qui signifie que vous avez aucune chance de changer de carte peut-être à améliorer votre main. Toutefois, comme au tirage au sort de cinq cartes classique, vous trouverez des stratégies pour générer l'idéal de ce que vous avez été traitée. Une illustration est de maintenir les bouffées de lignes droites ou dans la main de 5 cartes et les deux cartes restantes comme la main deuxième bonne.

Si vous êtes assez chanceux pour dessiner 4 as et un joker, vous êtes en mesure de conserver 3 as dans les mains de 5 cartes et de renforcer vos mains de 2 cartes avec l'as et d'autres joker. Deux paires? Conserver le plus grand paire dans la paume de 5 cartes et les 2 autres cartes identiques générera jusqu'à la seconde main.

Doble de Manos de Poker


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 23-06-2010

[ English ]

Pai Gow Poker es un derivado de América jugar a las cartas del juego de casino de siglos de dominó chino. En el siglo XIX, los trabajadores chinos introdujeron el juego del casino mientras trabajaba en California.

La reputación del juego con jugadores chinos finalmente atrajo la atención de los jugadores emprendedora que sustituye los cuadros convencionales con tarjetas y modelaron el juego de casino en un nuevo tipo de poker. Introducida en las salas de póquer de California en el 86, la aclamación inmediata del juego y reputación con los jugadores de póquer de Asia atrajo el interés de los propietarios de Nevada establecimiento de juego que absorbe rápidamente el juego de casino poker en sus propias suites. La reputación de los juegos de casinos ha continuado en el siglo XXI.

mesas de Pai Gow capacidad para 6 jugadores y un distribuidor. La distinción de poker estándar, todos los jugadores juegan contra el crupier y no contra todos los demás.

En un giro hacia la izquierda, casi todos los jugadores se reparten siete cartas boca abajo por el crupier. Cuarenta y nueve se repartan las cartas, entre ellas 7 cartas del repartidor.

Todos y cada jugador y el crupier debe formar manos de 2 de póquer: una gran palma de cinco cartas y una mano baja de dos cartas. Las manos se basan en las clasificaciones de póker clásico y, como tal, una palma de la mano de dos cartas de dos ases será el mayor posible las manos de dos cartas. A 5 ases manos sería el más alto de la mano de 5 cartas. ¿Cómo puede obtener cinco ases en la baraja estándar de 52? Estás en el hecho de apostar con un paquete de cincuenta y tres tarjetas desde un comodín es permitido en el juego de casino. El comodín se considera un "wild card" y podría ser utilizado como un as adicionales o acabado a una escalera o un color.

Las dos manos más altas ganar cada juego de casino sola y sólo un jugador único que reúne las dos manos al mismo tiempo más puede ganar.

Un tiro de dados de un vaso que contiene tres dados determina que se les dará las mismas manos primero. Después de las manos se dan, los jugadores deben formar las dos manos de póquer, teniendo en cuenta que las manos de cinco cartas con frecuencia debe ser superior a las manos de 2 cartas.

Cuando todos los jugadores han puesto sus manos, el croupier va a generar comparaciones con las manos puesto más alto en desembolsos. Si un jugador tiene una mano mayor rango que las de la banca, salvo una mano más baja segundo, esto se considera un empate.

Si el croupier latidos por las manos, el jugador pierde. En la circunstancia de que ambas manos del jugador y las dos manos croupier son las mismas, el croupier gana. En las apuestas casa de apuestas, los subsidios son muchas veces la acción a un jugador para convertirse en el croupier. En este caso, el jugador tiene que tener el dinero para cualquier pagos por sucesivos jugadores. Por supuesto, el jugador en calidad de distribuidor puede esquina varias ollas enormes si se puede vencer a la mayoría de los jugadores.

Varias casas de apuestas regla de que los jugadores no pueden hacer frente o banco dos espalda con espalda las manos, y algunas suites póquer proporcionará a cincuenta compañeros de banco o cincuenta con cualquier jugador que decide tomar el banco. En todos los casos, el distribuidor le preguntará a su vez, los jugadores si quieren ser el banquero.

En doble mano de poker, te dan "estática" lo que significa que las tarjetas no tienes oportunidad de cambiar las tarjetas para mejorar tal vez su mano. Sin embargo, como en el sorteo del clásico de cinco cartas, usted encontrará las estrategias para generar el ideal de lo que se han tratado. Un ejemplo es el mantenimiento de la limpia o rectas en la mano de 5 cartas y las dos cartas restantes de la segunda mano buena.

Si tiene la suerte de sacar 4 ases más un comodín, que son capaces de retener 3 ases en las manos de 5 cartas y reforzar las manos de 2 cartas con el as de otros y bromista. Dos pares? Conservar el par más grande en la palma de la mano de 5 cartas y las otras 2 cartas del mismo generará hasta la segunda mano.

profit at Holdem: Tricks on Rising to be the Strongest


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 22-06-2010

No limit Holdem is one of the most popular games out there. In the domiciles of men and women, in casinos, in the hall of your local community hall, many people are playing it and enjoying it. It is a great game, but it is one with a lot of aggression and annihilative behavior. So in order to make sure you don’t make a trip to the poorhouse, it’s crucial to be aware of a few of the game plans that might help you. Besides, when you do not know who the boob is, it is most likely you.

A good first step is to ensure you have learned the game well. read through books, read through web pages, and even examine advice from professional Texas Hold’em players. With the games heightened appeal, you will have no problem finding books on tactics, regulations, and even the background of the game. Reading such material can help you in several separate ways. First, you will get a wiser insight about the game through creating your very own perspective on it. Two, you will be able to discover how competing enthusiasts do what they do when it comes to strategy.

Additionally, there is no better technique to grow stronger than to play. By wagering on Texas Hold’em on the internet or with your buddies you will have a chance to make your blunders in low stakes circumstances. Then, when you play in a no limit game, you will certainly have achieved your own backbone. To gain that expertise, there are plenty of sites on the web where you are able to wager on or simply play small value buy in competitions nearby. Although free websites can provide you a chance to gain comprehending of poker, individuals do not place bets the same when there is no real money on the line so you possibly could end up with a false sense of how gamblers play and bet.

Third, you need to be strong. No Limit Hold’em is an annihilative card game that calls for you to devour or be devoured. Educate yourself, by studying, to be tougher and more aggressive when you wager on the game. It most likely will help you in the next difficult game or competition. It’s also an expertise you should acquire as you study playing with people on the web or in person.

Focus on Annie Duke


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 22-06-2010

Annie Duke mightn’t have captured her first World Series of Poker Bracelet until 2004 but she is still one of the most feared poker players around the ring games at The Bellagio in Las Vegas. Annie’s long-overdue World Series of Poker bracelet came with a win at the "buried game" of Omaha hi low.

While players from the "younger generation" of poker run crazy following a big win at the tournament, Annie heads home and becomes "mom" to her 4 children. She grew up in New Hampshire into a family of card players. If you do not accept that, check out her brother, Howard Lederer, in action who taught her how to wager on the game.

However, Mrs. Duke is no small-potatoes girl and has succeeded at her cut of demanding tables, which includes eliminating Howard a few times along the way. They are both players that have the capability to acquire the huge money and do it with a smile.

Annie is a strong competitor at any poker table considering that she is a genuine poker player, but it is a little more than just being strong at the game. Annie is incredibly intelligent and graduated from Columbia U where she majored in English and Psychology.

When you sit across from her at the table you’ll see Annie Duke is there to play the game and she starts "summing" you up from the time you approach the poker table. If you can not compete like a camp, then do not waste your time.

Winning over 3 million dollars in tournament play, Annie Duke became a adviser to both and actor Ben Affleck, who wanted to enhance his skills and grow into a force at the tables.

You will likely catch a glimpse of her at the Bellagio, you will see her on the television and you may even play against her in an internet poker match, but don’t count on a simple win. Unless you’re a camp-in-the-making, you’ll not defeat her. However, it would be fun to mention you played at the same table as "The Duke".

Internet Poker Gambling


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 21-06-2010

Web-based poker casino is an amazing new hobby for plenty of contenders from all walks of life. You have noticed the ads on television. Poker on-line sites tell you to come to their online poker room and take part in poker for enjoyment or money against other poker competitors. Still, you might be wondering precisely how it all works.

When you sign in at an online poker room, placing bets is easier than when you actually sit at a table in a casino. That is given that the software you download controls the web-based poker room gaming. It is nearly improbable to make a wrong move when you are web-based poker room wagering. The software will let you know when it is your turn to wager (therefore you can not cast a bet out of turn). It will tender to you sums to gamble, even though most times you can adjust that to a higher amount. It will also offer you a preference to fold your hand if you feel it is not good enough to beat the rest of players at the table. Some folks who would never dream of having a go at poker in a land based casino, certainly love to play poker on-line because the software guides them through the playing technique. Even if you are not sure how to play the game of poker, the software that you need to download will help walk you through the steps.

If you have not check out cyber poker wagering at a cyber casino, you may want to give it a shot! You will surely find it to be a perfectly, thrilling, and addicting game. Even more so than say the slots, craps and other casino favorites.

Online Poker Casino Hints


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 14-06-2010

If you have already given web poker a try, you are aware of how much fun you will have. However now that you have participated in a couple of games, you might be looking for a few internet poker room tips to enhance your game and help you acquire more money. A great location to start looking for online poker site tips is at the casino you gamble on. You will be able to discover a lot of exceptional information in the pages of your favorite casino, if you know the correct places to search.

Many net casinos offer a poker educational area within their site, which is an awesome location to discover internet poker site tips. These areas will explain to you the specifics of poker and strategies for developing successful hands. Also by analyzing the common questions pages of a website, you can discover a large amount of data you may have missed before. Internet poker rooms would like you to be successful and keep coming back to compete at their casino, so they normally give lots of web poker casino hints to keep their players happy.

If you can not discover enough info within the poker site you play, why not try talking to other gamblers for their greatest internet poker tips. Most of the poker sites provide chat features along with the casino games and a number of folks are more than willing to give you a bit of advice about playing a game. This not just benefits you by giving you excellent ideas, but also raises the level of play, making games more stimulating and exhilarating for other competitors. Poker is certainly more exciting when you gamble with a stronger player. So do a little digging and talk up the competing gamblers, you’ll be a poker professional before you know it.

Free Poker Room


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 12-06-2010

If you have ever observed any of the pro poker tournaments on television you’ve likely noticed a few fresh players that are breaking in and earning big cash. Have you ever wonder how they attained the level of play they have achieved? In most instances they learned and practiced their techniques at a no cost poker site. When you join a decent no charge poker room on the net you are able to acquire instructions from the masters. It does not matter if you are an amateur or a veteran player looking for practice, you are able to discover it all at one of these sites.

There’s no cost to register with a no cost poker site and there are always seats open at the tables. You are able to compete from the comfort of your house or any where else you choose. There are an assortment of variations to choose from including but not limited to paduki, omaha hold’em, 5 Card Stud, hold’em and many others. You can pick up one game and then change to any other one you choose. You won’t just be introduced to the established rules of the games at a no charge poker site. You will be able to master all of the tactics that the professionals use to be prosperous in huge tournaments and play as frequently as you want for as long as you wish.

Big Stakes Poker Online


Posted by Reid | Posted in Poker | Posted on 10-06-2010

If you like the adventure and thrill of an excellent poker hand then you should play high risk poker online. At a great Internet poker room you are able to constantly find a spot available at a table to participate in poker on the web. You don’t have to worry about airfare or locating accommodations in Sin City. You can play anytime you want from any place you wish. You can sign up for no charge and begin playing right away and you will discover a huge variety of variations to pick from. omaha high, texas holdem, 5 Card Stud, and a number of others are all set for you to enjoy.

When you compete in high stakes poker on the web you’ll have a login that is completely safe and you will be able to choose to deposit your money in a number of ways, including but not limited to major credit cards. Your confidentiality is 100% guaranteed and your winnings will be paid promptly. There is no added weight when you participate in high stakes poker on the net. You are able to drop out whenever you want or change games whenever you want. You will also have tournament options available from single table tournaments to multi-table tournaments. The buy-ins are reasonable, and the prizes are large.

A top ranked poker site will provide awesome client service 24/7 and also provide several benefits, exclusive prizes and other enticements to keep you coming back. Competing in high stakes poker on the web isn’t for everyone, but for those who enjoy a great game a poker room is the best place to be. You not only get the adventure and excitement of poker, but convenience and safety all in the same spot.